I prepare people for high-stakes speaking opportunities by turning anxiety into a superpower.
Discover how I can help you maximize the limited time you may have to engage your audience during a TED talk, Shark Tank appearance, investor pitch, customer meeting, keynote speech, board meeting, or even a job interview. I will guide you in connecting with your audience emotionally and making the most of each precious minute as the clock ticks away.
Since 2008, I’ve had the privilege of coaching companies such as Bill.com, SLIDO, Kahoot, and GetAround, helping them refine their ability to communicate their vision and present with clarity, emotion, and impact. I've also worked with global leaders such as DELL, IBM, Kaiser Permanente, DXC Technology, and Blue Prism, empowering their teams to craft messages that resonate, influence, and drive results in high-stakes environments. My passion for effective communication extends to the classroom, where I teach future business leaders at Gies College of Business, Santa Clara University, and Wharton Entrepreneurship how to harness the power of compelling presentations. As an Industry Fellow at Hong Kong Baptist University and UC Berkeley, I inspire the next generation leaders to use communication as a powerful tool for achieving success.
“The Alumni TINCer’s were absolutely right. The time spent with you, has been invaluable! I (and the rest of our team) highly appreciated your pitch training, concrete guidance, and honest feedback. We had three pitches after the program as well, and one of them led to capital raised! After your training, we are better equipped and trained to communicate our value proposition, opportunities, and values. Thanks a lot again for your contribution and support! ”
VIP Online meeting maGIC
In the virtual world, your on-screen presence is as significant as your physical appearance in an in-person business setting. Give me a few precious minutes of your time, and I promise to help you amplify your on-screen presence in your next meeting or presentation, making it appear effortless, more fun, and a bit like magic, but with no strings attached!
Shark tank
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be featured on Shark Tank? The ActionGlow brothers can provide some insight, as they applied three times before finally being selected to appear on the show. After receiving the unique tag-team virtual coaching from Claudio and me, they skateboarded their way down the famous hallway. Their aired episode can be viewed below.
Here's a link to the ActionGlow brother’s story and journey to the SharkTank.
The Zone
Each week, my good friend and emcee Claudio Sennhauser hosts a YouTube Live at 10:15 AM Eastern for people interested in learning more about becoming a compelling, memorable, and powerful speaker and communicator.
I serve a diverse client base, including corporate executives, sales and sales engineers, marketing professionals, startup founders, incubators and accelerators, and universities from around the globe. No matter the industry or type of organization, I guarantee measurable results to all my clients.
Are you ready to discover if I am the right coach for you and your team?
Discover simple, effective, and proven strategies for managing speaking anxiety in my latest book, published in June 2019. In addition to addressing anxiety, the book also covers ten techniques for building emotional connections with your audience. You can get a free copy now or buy it on Amazon as a paperback. Please consider paying it forward by sharing this book with others who may benefit from it. https://www.democoach.com/freebook